Who Are We ?

Leap Recruitment Partners is a recruitment agency built on the intention of helping clients acquire the best talent for their business. We offer recruitment, staffing, temporary staffing, and head-hunting services to all businesses who look for long-term growth and stability.

Top Quality. Top Talent. Leap Forward.

Unlike other agencies, we don’t just do the administrative work of delivering qualified people for the job.

We look at your organization as a whole. Leap Recruitment takes up a multidisciplinary approach to recruitment. While we make sure to find the best-quality candidates for you in a short span of time, we do so using a thorough assessment of your recruitment issues.

Finding qualified individuals who will best fit your business entails joint work and consultations. We are able to provide a highly personalized recruitment approach with the use of our Agile recruitment process, which streamlines hiring without affecting the depth and quality of the evaluation process.

Why Choose Leap Recruitment?

We are an agency that prides itself on transparency and accountability, that streamlines hiring the best-qualified candidates. Leap Recruitment puts strong emphasis on accountability at the forefront of our process. We aren’t a mere seller of services. We approach your business as a partner, and through collaboration, your goals become our goals.

About Leap Recruitment Partners

Leap Recruitment Partners provide services across Canada. We apply robust recruitment solutions for our clients to hire their best applicants while maintaining professional relationships based on trust and integrity.

Leap Recruitment is on a mission to disrupt the recruitment industry and introduce innovative, growth-inductive trends and practices.

Our services are tailored around using professional experience to meet your unique needs when it comes to:


We offer unparalleled services for companies looking to match their organization’s values with the like-minded talent. We believe that each company we cater to has unique value to offer. With it, they need a unique approach to onboarding, which entails understanding the core contributions that companies and applicants offer to one another.

You can trust us to discover and deliver the right candidates to your doorstep. With the understanding that a workplace is more than a group of individuals with the necessary skill set, we put effort into discovering what personal or soft skills are needed to put together strong teams that will uplift your organization.

Employee Retention

Dependable employees will help your company grow, but recruitment and training are still significant investments for a business. Keeping employees that you worked so hard to integrate and train is a worthy effort. Leap Recruitment is devoted to helping organizations maintain employee productivity and satisfaction, while at the same time ensuring that their output is exactly what your company needs to grow.

This type of mutually beneficial working relationship comes from the understanding of technical skills, productivity, and performance indicators, as well as personality and leadership traits needed across different companies and industries.

Keeping Up With Workplace Trends

Lasting, professional relationships entail staying on top of industry trends when it comes to your workplace culture. We’ll ensure that new employees best serve your company values, principles, and policies.

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